

Bio-Medical Storage Systems will consist of a wide array of storage applications and systems as the attention to detail required for government regulation dominates every aspect in this market. Bio-Medical corporations have to balance storing materials and being audited by 3-letter government agencies for compliance. Security, controlled access and when dealing with specimen storage, climate control are critical for multiple departments with this industry.

Whether you are storing sensitive patient files, case files, specimen storage in climate controlled rooms or require lab furniture, Vital Valt has you covered.

Bio-Medical Storage Systems

File Storage Systems

File storage systems for bio-medical corporations can include high density mobile filing systems for high density storage requirements. Controlling who has access to records, a Rotomat Office Carousel provides security and ergonomic storage and retrieval.

Cold Room Storage

Cold Room Storage is possible without even having a cold room, utilizing a temperature controlled vertical carousel or vertical lift module. High Density Shelving Systems can also be installed in cold rooms or freezers for

ROI on Mobile Storage Systems

By ATHLETIC GEAR, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, Electric High Density Mobile Storage Systems, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, HEALTHCARE, High Density Mobile Shelving, High Density Mobile Storage, High Density Storage Systems, INDOOR FARMING, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, Lateral Storage Systems, LAW FIRMS, LIBRARY, MATERIAL HANDLING, Mechanical Assist Mobile Storage System, Mechanicial-Assist Mobile Storage System, MILITARY, MobileX, MUSEUMS, Powered High Density Mobile Storage, PUBLIC SAFETY, San Diego Storage Solutions, SCHOOLS, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
ROI on Mobile Storage Systems Our mobile storage systems maximize the use of available space, whether to increase storage capacity, free up room for production or other uses, or get rid of space you do not need to pay for. These systems save up to 50% of your floor space in most cases, and accommodate growth for other uses while increasing revenue. High Density Mobile Storage Systems concept is to create collapsible aisles with carriages that roll from side to side in your space, minimizing the amount of aisle space required with traditional fixed storage shelving. There are 3 ways...
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Mobile Storage Systems

By ATHLETIC GEAR, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, Electric High Density Mobile Storage Systems, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, HEALTHCARE, High Density Mobile Shelving, High Density Mobile Storage, High Density Storage Systems, INDOOR FARMING, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, Lateral Storage Systems, LAW FIRMS, LIBRARY, MATERIAL HANDLING, Mechanical Assist Mobile Storage System, Mechanicial-Assist Mobile Storage System, MILITARY, MobileX, MUSEUMS, Powered High Density Mobile Storage, PUBLIC SAFETY, San Diego Storage Solutions, SCHOOLS, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
Our mobile storage systems offer your organization the flexibility to customize your high-density storage systems to keep up with your unique needs. Easily access and mobilize your items with its unique mechanism enabling you to effortlessly move the system. High Density Mobile Storage Systems concept is to create collapsible aisles with carriages that roll from side to side in your space, minimizing the amount of aisle space required with traditional fixed storage shelving. There are 3 ways to operate mobile shelving systems and create access aisles, manually with a fixed handle, with a mechanical assistance 3 spoke ergonomic handle or electrically...
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Modern Mudroom

By ARCHITECTS, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Hamilton Casework Solutions, Locker Storage, Lockers, Modular Casework, Modular Casework Cabinets, modular casework solutions, Modular Storage, Modular Storage Systems, Office Modular Casework, Office Storage Solutions, Office Storage Systems, SCHOOLS, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
The Modern Mudroom is a place where employees enter their workplace and they have a place to safely and securely store their belongings. Regardless of the “return to work” model your organization decides on or evolves to, the Modern Mudroom can help reduce the spread of infection and increase your employees’ physical and mental being. Solutions like the Modern Mudroom can make a great first impression to employees and visitors to show that they are cared for. In modern workspaces, locker storage needs to play a variety of roles. Creating a safe place for employee belongings is a high priority,...
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Hygiene Lockers

By ARCHITECTS, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Hamilton Casework Solutions, Locker Storage, Lockers, Modular Casework, Modular Casework Cabinets, modular casework solutions, Modular Storage, Modular Storage Systems, Office Modular Casework, Office Storage Solutions, Office Storage Systems, SCHOOLS, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
It’s not just a locker… It’s part of the strategy to help people feel safe, their belongings secure and their well-being cared for with clean touchless laminate hygiene lockers. As employees return to the workplace & students to school, they want to know that they are cared for and that their surroundings are safe and clean. Let your employees know that you hear them with Hygiene Lockers. Hygiene Lockers are composed of touchless lockers with a central sink or sanitation station for hand-washing and disinfecting. We have to reconsider the amount of touches, the clean-ability, the technology and the ability...
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Modular Casework for Storage

By ARCHITECTS, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Hamilton Casework Solutions, LAW FIRMS, Modular Casework, Modular Casework Cabinets, modular casework solutions, Modular Storage, Modular Storage Systems, Office Modular Casework, Office Shelving, Office Storage Solutions, Office Storage Systems, SCHOOLS, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
Modular Casework for Storage is comprised of  base cabinets, wall cabinets, corner cabinets and storage units. The casework is designed like furniture with the ability to be customized, modified, relocated, and reused while maintaining the look of built-in millwork cabinets. We offer offers hundreds of height, width and depth variations, door options, many different shelving types and sorters of all sizes. Choose from the many standard choices in hardware and finishes or customize to match your space. Cabinet bodies, doors and kickplates may be made of any combination of laminate, powder-coated steel and stainless steel. Standard materials for our work-surfaces...
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Modular Casework for Healthcare

By BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, Hamilton Casework Solutions, HEALTHCARE, Hospital Storage, Hospital Storage Solutions, Medical Storage, Modular Casework, Modular Casework Cabinets, modular casework solutions, SCHOOLS, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
Modular Casework for Healthcare is the contemporary answer to challenges in advancing technology, workflow optimization and infection control. We provide informed solutions for areas like: Exam Rooms Patient Rooms Pharmacies Reception Areas Nurses Stations Operating Rooms Vital Valt addresses contemporary concerns like infection control, sustainability, optimized workflow, advancing technology and government regulation. Together with our factory we have built high performance pharmacies with amenities like gravity feed pill drawers, slide out housing for printers and mobile work islands. Our exam room systems offer you choices of locked and unlocked storage designed for specialty items, counter heights set at optimal levels...
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Locker Systems

By ARCHITECTS, Athletic Equipment Storage, ATHLETIC GEAR, Athletic Storage, Athletic Storage Lockers, AUTOMOTIVE, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, Evidence Lockers, Evidence Storage, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, Locker Storage, Lockers, MILITARY, News, Parcel Lockers, Personal Storage Lockers, PUBLIC SAFETY, SCHOOLS, Temperature Controlled Lockers No Comments
Vital Valt Locker Systems have a wide variety of features and functionality. Storage Lockers improve security, save time and reduce clutter. They can be used in many different applications: secure belongings for immediate access short-term or long-term storage house electronics personal items weapons uniforms perishable goods and many more... Heavy-duty construction ensures long term use while adding additional options that meet each clients needs. For example in larger locker rooms we suggest adding a few ADA lockers. Legs can lift lockers off the finish floor. These same legs can be closed or open. A sloped top can keep users from...
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Cold Storage

By ARCHITECTS, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, Climate Controlled Storage, Climate Controlled Storage Applications, Cold Storage, Cold Storage Facility, Cold Storage Pallet Racking Systems, Cold Storage System, Controlled Storage Systems, freezer storage, GOVERNMENT, High Density Mobile Shelving, High Density Storage Systems, MATERIAL HANDLING, News, Pharmacy, Refrigerated Storage, Storage Solutions, Temperature Controlled Compact Storage, Temperature Controlled Storage No Comments
Keeping an entire inventory at a consistent temperature is an energy & resource-intensive endeavor. Businesses that can successfully manage & overcome these obstacles avoid financial freezer burn. The pandemic has introduced a new storage challenge for the receiving distributors of the upcoming vaccine. Cold Storage. The vaccine “cold chain” must maintain product quality from the time of manufacture until the point of administration. If the cold chain is not properly maintained, vaccine potency may be lost, resulting in a useless vaccine supply. Don't wait to get the racks and shelving needed. Let us help you space plan your rooms and...
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Mechanical Assist Mobile System

By ATHLETIC GEAR, Athletic Storage, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, HEALTHCARE, High Density Mobile Shelving, High Density Mobile Storage, high density storage, High Density Storage Systems, INDOOR FARMING, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, LAW FIRMS, LIBRARY, MATERIAL HANDLING, Mechanicial-Assist Mobile Storage System, MILITARY, MobileX, MUSEUMS, PUBLIC SAFETY, SCHOOLS, Smart Shelving System, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
Mechanical Assist Mobile Systems condense your storage footprint by eliminating aisles. Easily access and mobilize your items with its unique mechanism enabling you to effortlessly move multiple carriages at once. No matter how heavy the inventory you stock on a shelving unit, it only takes a single pound of pressure to operate the hand crank. These systems can accommodate a variety of our various shelving systems as well as an extensive line of cabinets and shelving accessories. With our signature high-density movable storage system, get the flexibility you need to customize your shelving while optimizing your capacity. Mechanical Assist Mobile...
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High Density Storage Systems

By ATHLETIC GEAR, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, Electric High Density Mobile Storage Systems, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, HEALTHCARE, High Density Mobile Shelving, High Density Mobile Storage, High Density Storage Systems, INDOOR FARMING, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, Lateral Storage Systems, LAW FIRMS, LIBRARY, MATERIAL HANDLING, Mechanical Assist Mobile Storage System, Mechanicial-Assist Mobile Storage System, MILITARY, MobileX, MUSEUMS, Powered High Density Mobile Storage, PUBLIC SAFETY, San Diego Storage Solutions, SCHOOLS, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
High Density Mobile Shelving Systems are a VitalValt specialty. We have designed, sold and implemented thousands of high density mobile carriage systems storing everything from file folders, archive boxes, video tapes, law books, legal files, specimens, weapons in armories, parts storage and more. High Density Compact Mobile Shelving Storage Systems can literally be configured to store almost anything. High Density Mobile Storage Systems concept is to create collapsible aisles with carriages that roll from side to side in your space, minimizing the amount of aisle space required with traditional fixed storage shelving. There are 3 ways to operate mobile shelving systems and...
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