In the newest storage trends, there’s no such thing as “throwaway space.” That extra foot by the satellite mail station? Perfect for paper storage. Vital Valt excels at the small details that help integrate these out-of-the-way storage spots with the rest of a room. Satellite mail stations are increasingly popular and are often placed in high traffic areas. The configuration and space planning of these stations are designed to facilitate specific tasks. Vital Valt utilizes storage systems that support the performance of these tasks and optimize the space available. We also appreciate how important it is to match the corporate design aesthetic. Vital Valt can augment these storage systems with surfaces and finishes to match your aesthetic.
Thanks to today’s storage trends, there is no reason to fit a round peg into a square storage hole: New storage products enable you to streamline your traditional storage into a customized storage solution. Vital Valt’s Mobile Storage Systems offer the flexibility to customize your high-density storage systems to keep up with your unique needs. Easily access and mobilize your stored items while optimizing your capacity. They are available in three types of systems: manual, mechanical and powered, these systems can accommodate a variety of shelving, filing and racking systems as well as an extensive line of cabinets and accessories.
Storage in each and every room is great, but sometimes your needs do not always fit the room. Enter grab-and-go storage – carts and modular storage products equipped with sturdy casters that are designed to increase both efficiency and productivity. Engineered with quality materials and interchangeable applications, these products provide an effective and convenient storage solution for your needs.
New applications are being used for the rising trend of Smart Locker Systems. In 2018 we saw a steady increase in the need for parcel and package lockers. In 2019 we will see new applications for Smart Locker Systems such as:
• rental systems
• asset management lockers
• day-lockers
• temp-controlled lockers
Vital Valt’s Smart Locker Systems streamline all applications to improve the security and accessibility of your stored items.