Implementing a color coding filing system is one of the best ways to get your office organized and streamlined. From file folders to labels, Vital Valt has everything you need to get started! We offer competitive pricing and years of experience
What you will need:
File folders and filing supplies are essential to all businesses filing systems and can be configured to meet your business requirements by working with an Vital Valt professional. This is 1/3 cut top-tab folders. Who uses drawers? Add Side-Tab & Color to increase productivity 50%.
Vital Valt still offers color coded labels for letters, numbers and color designators available in packs or boxes. Whether you file by letter or number, we have a color coding solution for you. Pennies it will cost per folder to create dollars in savings and time! Easy ROI.
Label Printing Software enables you to print color coding, text and bar codes all on one easy-to-apply label, right from your own computer and any color printer. Don’t change the way your files are labeled – change the way you label your files! AND ITS NOW FREE! What could you design to speed up your employees? ITS FREE!
Vital Valt also provides the services to do all the work for you! We will work with you to analyze your current filing system and recommend a system based on requirements, needs and potential benefits.
We offer:
A specialist will work with you to design a system using color code labels, bar codes, RFID and label printing software.
Our File Conversions specialist will implement the new system saving countless worker hours during the conversion process.
We excel at moving your records securely. From drawer to drawer – shelf to shelf – we control and secure your vital items – getting from Point A to Point B.
Let Vital Valt do the work for you!
We provide the Services + Supplies to update your filing systems.
Contact Us Now For More Information!