Technology makes it easy to turn your paper documents into digital files that can be stored more efficiently and accessed from anywhere. But are there still times when you need a printed document?
Both formats – Paper Files vs. Digital Files have PROS and CONS. Even though digital documents edges out paper in many instances, there are times when paper still makes more sense or is even necessary. Certain legal and/or financial documents still require physical signatures or a notary’s seal. If you have a document that’s complicated or extremely detailed, it may be easier to read, share, and make notes on a physical copy.
Storing sensitive information electronically does open up the possibility that documents could be hacked and compromised. Paper cannot be hacked.
At the end of the day, having both capabilities is your best overall strategy.
Paper Files vs. Digital Files
Physically have them
Can’t be deleted by cyber attacks
If power goes down, you can still access files
Not reliant on wifi/internet & can be taken remotely without worry
Easier to share with everyone in meetings & make notes
Essentially unlimited storage space
Can Edit/Modify/Save different versions
Can access documentation without having to get up & “hunt” for it
Can control who has access to the documents
Can work remotely
Can be more complex than paper files (ex: links attached to other documents, play sounds/movies)
Need physical space to store themÂ
Can lose them
Have to physically look for the record
Needs to be sorted eitherAlpha- Numerically or Terminal Digit
 Can be hacked/deleted/modified
Need files to be indexed correctly or can’t find them
Need power, technology & knowledge of the technology
Some professions require physical documentation
Vital Valt offers File Conversions services to convert filing systems from files in drawers to files in shelving. Vital Valt will work with you to analyze your current filing system and recommend a system based on needs and potential benefits for switching to a new system.
Our File Conversions specialist will implement the new system saving countless worker hours during the conversion process. Our service bureau converts top-view folders to side-view folders, taking paper out of old folders and adding them into new folders, organize file partitions by adding paper to file fasteners and file clips, and also adding labels to file folders.
Paper Files vs. Digital Files. We convert file labeling systems to alpha, numeric, alpha-numeric or terminal digit. We also offer File Folder Relocation Service that provides file transfers or file merges in-office or to a new facility. Vital Valt provides the file folders, supplies and the service for professional file conversions. Also now available using labels with bar codes and RFID to implement file tracking during the conversion process.