Our effort to bring these solutions to your working environment is based on CDC Safety Guidelines to prevent workplace exposures.

Operator Protective Equipment (OPE) solutions provide division between operators, essentially shielding them from their neighboring stations, especially when these operators cannot stay six (6’) feet apart.

Operator Protective Equipment (OPE), or operator shields, offer operators at workstations safety solutions in effort to help prevent the spread of viruses through droplet transmission, like COVID-19, among other viruses, that spread through coughing, saliva or mucus. We have many solutions to support your working environment with panels, windowed panels or ESD safe Kleanstat curtains. Note that your solutions will be unique to your needs, but standard options often fulfill those needs, pricing will range dependent on your choice of standard or modified standard options. The options shown below are detailed on the back side.

Safety Panels for Cubicles and Work Areas

Economical CFP Panels

This single wall CFP conductive fluted plastic panel can be easily mounted to your IAC Workbench with IAC provided hardware. This is a quick and economical way to create a safer, cleanable workspace.

Plastic Panel Mounted to Workstation

Windowed CFP Panels

This single wall CFP conductive windowed plastic panel can be easily mounted to your IAC Workbench with IAC provided hardware.

Safety Curtains to Protect Workstations

Kleanstat Curtains

Plastic curtains that allow you to separate production workers and work stations to keep them separated for a safer work environment.

Our experienced Sales Team & CAD Design Department
can create a custom layout with a comprehensive quote
for the storage solution to suit your specific needs!


  Contact Us Now For More Information!

Call or email us today for a free survey on how you can save time, space, and become more efficient with your storage.
P: 800-699-1191
E: info@vitalvalt.com

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