

General Contractors Storage Systems present the difficult task of building out facilities and then in a lot of cases filling them with FF&E (fixtures, furniture & equipment).

Enter Vital Valt, we have provided several of the largest FF&E projects including 26 buildings worth of product for the 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton & 7 figures worth of storage products at MCAS Miramar for the US Navy and other General Contractor Storage System projects across the country.

We supply safety, security and team work for our partners.

Here’s a quick look at several of the products and services Vital Valt offers to General Contractor’s.

File Storage Systems

File storage systems can include high density mobile filing systems for high density storage requirements. Controlling who has access to records, a Rotomat Office Carousel provides security and ergonomic storage and retrieval while using more vertical floor space to capture capacity.

Combat Weapon Storage

Weapon Storage for military, state and local law enforcement and other government agencies provides an organized and modular weapon storage solution for storing a wide array of weapons from rifles, pistols, machine guns and more.

Security Cages

Security cages are used for controlled access to large and small spaces. Vital Valt designs, sells and installs both woven or welded wire cages to secure space for you.

Fixed Shelving Systems

Shelving systems whether in the office, warehouse or for supply storage are typically located throughout facilities to store items.

Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems

Automated storage and retrieval systems, vertical carouselsvertical lift modules and horizontal carousels all provide speed, security and high density storage in limited footprints.

Mechanical Assist Mobile Systems

By ATHLETIC GEAR, Athletic Storage, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, HEALTHCARE, High Density Mobile Shelving, High Density Mobile Storage, high density storage, High Density Storage Systems, INDOOR FARMING, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, LAW FIRMS, LIBRARY, MATERIAL HANDLING, Mechanicial-Assist Mobile Storage System, MILITARY, MobileX, MUSEUMS, PUBLIC SAFETY, SCHOOLS, Smart Shelving System, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
Mechanical Assist Mobile Systems condense your storage footprint by eliminating aisles. Easily access and mobilize your items with its unique mechanism enabling you to effortlessly move multiple carriages at once. No matter how heavy the inventory you stock on a shelving unit, it only takes a little pressure to operate the hand crank - depending on your storage load. Mechanical Assist Mobile Systems offer the performance solution required for greater evolving storage capacity in less floor space. These systems can accommodate any of our shelving systems as well as an extensive line of cabinets, drawers and shelving accessories. With our...
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Day Use Lockers

By ATHLETIC GEAR, Blog, BUSINESS, Event Lockers, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Locker Storage, Lockers, Personal Asset Lockers, SCHOOLS, Storage Solutions No Comments
Our Day Use Lockers are perfect for the office, locker rooms, schools, event venues or any space where secure storage is needed. Also known as Shared-Use Lockers / Event Lockers / Employee Lockers / Assigned Use Lockers, this storage solution can be customized to fit your space. We offer a wide selection of heights, widths and depths depending on your space and size requirements. Doors can be customized with any color of powder-coated steel or high-pressure laminate finishes. Locks are available in mechanical, electronic keypad or RFID versions designed for access via user cards. Electronic versions can be custom-programmed to...
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Apartment Lockers

By ARCHITECTS, AUTOMOTIVE, Blog, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Locker Storage, Lockers, Personal Asset Lockers, Residential Storage, Storage Solutions, Wire Cage Enclosures No Comments
Apartment Lockers provide sturdy, secure storage for apartment, condominium and business tenants. Their galvanized finish and heavy-duty construction ensure years of maintenance-free performance. Apartment and condo storage lockers can be configured to fit in basements, garages and common area rooms of a cooperative. A modular design makes these lockers easy to plan, install and relocate. Our residential lockers are available in single, double and triple-tier configurations, and can also be combined to fit your needs. Composed of heavy-gauge welded wire mesh, our lockers are extremely sturdy & secure. Single-tier, walk-in style lockers are perfect for storing residents’ out-of-season belongings, or office...
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Climate Controlled Lockers

By BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, Climate Controlled Storage Applications, Cold Storage, Cold Storage System, Evidence Storage, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, Locker Storage, Lockers, MATERIAL HANDLING, MILITARY, PUBLIC SAFETY, Refrigerated Storage, Storage Solutions, Temperature Controlled Compact Storage, Temperature Controlled Lockers, Temperature Controlled Warehouse No Comments
Climate Controlled Lockers are the perfect solution for the storage of food, beverages and other perishable goods. They offer security and convenience along with temperature control that allows for cold storage or warm storage. Ensure your storage is not exposed to fluctuating temperatures & items are preserved properly with our climate controlled storage lockers. Various internal compartment configurations are offered to maximize the use of space. Forced air circulation maintains even temperature throughout & electric condensate removal eliminates drain lines. Security features protect against loss and help maintain consistent temperature at all times. Each locker is equipped with its own...
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Delivery Lockers

By ARCHITECTS, Blog, BUSINESS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, LIBRARY, Locker Storage, Lockers, Mail Lockers, Package Lockers, Parcel Lockers, SCHOOLS, Storage Solutions No Comments
In modern workspaces, delivery lockers and locker storage systems play a variety of roles. Creating a safe place for employee belongings is a high priority, followed closely by the need to contribute to smart office design. With 84 percent of Americans shopping online, the storage of packages is becoming a problem. Shipments obstruct front desk areas, mailrooms and leasing offices. Off-hour delivery times, searching and tracking packages,  all continue to cause issues. As online shopping is expected to increase by 25 percent over the next year, these challenges will only get worse. Our Delivery Lockers are a modular & expandable...
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Secure Charging Lockers

By Blog, BUSINESS, Charging Station, Charging Station Locker, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, Locker Storage, Lockers, MILITARY, PUBLIC SAFETY, Storage Solutions No Comments
Keep devices charged, secured and managed with our Secure Charging Lockers. These lockers store and charge laptops, PDAs, cell phones and tablets securely. With power available to charge multimedia devices and a roll-out work-shelf, these fully welded lockers offer the perfect solution for secure laptop storage. Secure Charging Lockers are the ideal solution for charging multiple laptops in one convenient cabinet. Our lockers feature perforated doors which allow heat to dissipate, providing a safe environment. RFID tagging options are available to customize your storage needs. Safeguard and manage all electronic mobile assets with our RFID Asset Tracking Software. Our cloud-based...
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Project Planning

By ARCHITECTS, Blog, BUSINESS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, HEALTHCARE, MILITARY, Mobile Storage, Mobile Storage System, Modular Casework, PUBLIC SAFETY, SCHOOLS, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions, Vertical Storage, Warehouse Storage No Comments
Project Planning is our specialty! It is the perfect opportunity to organize and create more distance in your space. Plan ahead and let Vital Valt assist you with new innovative ideas to upgrade your existing system or start a new one. Our free site survey begins the space planning process. Space planning is the bread and butter of our business. We break out our tape measures (we actually use laser measuring systems), and measure your floor space including all obstructions, capture your existing storage capacity and then work together to put together a design on a storage system solution to...
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How to Maximize ROI – Mobile Storage Systems

By ATHLETIC GEAR, BIO-MEDICAL, Blog, BUSINESS, Electric High Density Mobile Storage Systems, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, GOVERNMENT, HEALTHCARE, High Density Mobile Shelving, High Density Mobile Storage, High Density Storage Systems, INDOOR FARMING, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, Lateral Storage Systems, LAW FIRMS, LIBRARY, MATERIAL HANDLING, Mechanical Assist Mobile Storage System, Mechanicial-Assist Mobile Storage System, MILITARY, MobileX, MUSEUMS, Powered High Density Mobile Storage, PUBLIC SAFETY, San Diego Storage Solutions, SCHOOLS, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
How to Maximize ROI on Mobile Storage Systems? By utilizing all available space, increasing storage capacity and free up room for production or other uses. These systems save up to 50% of your floor space, in most cases, and accommodate growth for other uses while increasing revenue. An investment in the right mobile storage is never a sunk cost. The best mobile storage solutions will not only make your money back in a flash. They will also empower your operations, support value-added opportunities, and prevent you from wasting money elsewhere. High Density Mobile Storage Systems concept is to create collapsible...
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Space Planning Services

By ARCHITECTS, Blog, BUSINESS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Southern California Storage, Space Planning Service, Storage Solutions No Comments
Space Planning Services Our free survey begins the space planning process. If you like creative ideas you will love Vital Valt. Space Planning is the bread and butter of our business. We break out our tape measures (we use laser measuring systems for accuracy) and measure your floor space including all obstructions, capture your existing filing or storage capacity and then work together to put together a design on a storage system to meet your requirements going forward. High Density Storage Space Planning includes reviewing your office or warehouse space for high density storage systems including mobile shelving, vertical carousels, vertical lift modules...
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Move and Relocate Service

By ARCHITECTS, Blog, BUSINESS, File Conversion Services, File Conversions, File Labeling Service, File Relocation Service, File Storage, File Storage System, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Modular Storage, Office Shelving, Office Storage Solutions, Office Storage Systems, Relocation Services, Southern California Storage, Storage Solutions No Comments
Vital Valt offers Move and Relocate Service to businesses looking to move their existing filing system as well as servicing and upgrading existing systems. Filing and Storage Systems shown on this website and systems sold from competitive systems can be taken down, moved and put back together in your new office space. File moves entail moving your physical documents from one location to another. Our service provides taking your disordered collection of files and standardize the way those files are organized. During the file move, our staff will not only arrange but audit the files in order to ensure that...
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