Vital Valt provides safe and secure solutions that can help education facilities open safely and responsibly. We create strategies to de-densify existing spaces, rethink underutilized space, and incorporate solutions to support the new guidelines in education.
As educational spaces and structures begin to reopen, here are some possible strategies to consider:
- Locker Storage Systems
- Space Planning to observe distancing guidelines
- Modular Casework for reconfigurable room design
- Built-in storage for sanitation and hand sanitizing
CDC Guidelines
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has drafted guidelines for how schools and other organizations can safely reopen:
- Minimize movement throughout the building, and restrict mixing between groups. Try to keep the same student and staff groupings together throughout the school day as much as possible.
- Cancel all field trips. Limit gatherings, events, and extracurricular activities to those that can maintain proper social distancing.
- Restrict nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving groups of people at the same time.
- Space student desks and seating at least six feet apart.
- Close communal-use spaces such as dining halls and playgrounds if possible; otherwise, stagger their use and disinfect them in between uses.
- Have students eat meals in classrooms. Serve individually plated meals.
- Stagger arrival and drop-off times or locations, or put in place other measures to limit direct contact with parents as much as possible.
- Keep each child’s belongings separated from others’ and in individually labeled containers, cubbies, or areas.
- Have enough supplies to minimize the sharing of high-touch materials to the extent possible (art supplies, math manipulatives, science equipment, etc.), or limit the use of supplies and equipment to one group of children at a time and clean and disinfect these items between uses.
- Avoid sharing electronic devices, books, games, and other learning aids. Students might need their own bin of materials that they use for learning — and these materials will need to be cleaned regularly.
Modular Casework
We have decades of experience delivering labs, classroom cabinets, lockers and mailrooms to schools and universities. Our vast selection of products, dimensions, doors, handles, slides, locks, and finishes make it easy to create a system that meets the functional and aesthetic needs of your workspace.
Modular Casework is a great solution for educational facilities because it is quick to install and easy to reconfigure. Instead of built-ins, you can make decisions for new storage solutions that are flexible and can adapt to your needs.
Smart Lockers
Creating locker storage systems in schools can cut back on person-to-person contact and do away with long lines.
Our lockers come in a wide variety of sizes, configurations, laminate choices (including anti-microbial) and locks. We offer RFID locks – that make our lockers practically touchless and students are able to open their locker with a badge, phone and even wearable.
Integrating software, networking and locking devices, this solution enables secure storage and tracking of valuables.
Space Planning
Educators will need to rethink how to leverage school and classroom space design to create a safe learning environment that will enhance learning outcomes.
Strategies include:
- Repurposing larger unused spaces
- Limiting classroom and meeting room capacity
- Adding barriers
- Changing the configuration of desks to observe distancing guidelines
Let Vital Valt help provide flexible spaces that will support a safe and responsible reopening of educational facilities.
Our experienced Sales Team can provide the
information & navigation needed to create a safe space.