Our professional installation services are highly specialized and with that we offer well over 100 years worth of experience and are a licensed contractor (#701914) in the State of California. Professional Services are the backbone of any good business. Vital Valt takes great pride in providing top quality service to customers ranging from the planning, installation, maintenance or relocation of a storage system. With Seismic Zone 4 requirements for assembly, Vital Valt’s factory certified high density storage system installation service teams utilize seismic anti-tip track on all compact shelving systems. Movable shelving systems are anchored to the floor with approved...
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Vital Valt provides safe and secure school storage solutions that can help education facilities open safely and responsibly. We create strategies to de-densify existing spaces, rethink underutilized space and incorporate solutions to support the new guidelines in education. Make safety a priority while optimizing the storage of teaching equipment with our school storage and shelving systems, mobile or fixed high-density systems, fully customizable, scalable, expandable and reconfigurable. We provide quality education services by minimizing costs and optimize your existing space without the need for renovation, expansion or additional storage space As educational spaces and structures begin to get back to...
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Our Storage System Relocation Services offer: moving all filing and storage systems from offices and facilities and reinstalling in new location. We offer moving services to businesses looking to move their existing filing system as well as servicing and upgrading existing systems. Regardless of original equipment manufacturer and/or seller, we dismantle, move and re-install all Filing and Storage Systems. Vital Valt has moved millions of files from facility to facility and will work with you to analyze your current filing system and recommend a strategy for moving and setting up files in your new facility. We provide relocation services with...
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Our installation services are highly specialized and with that we offer well over 100 years worth of experience and are a licensed contractor (#701914) in the State of California. Professional Services are the backbone of any good business. Vital Valt takes great pride in providing top quality service to customers ranging from the planning, installation, maintenance or relocation of a storage system. With Seismic Zone 4 requirements for assembly, Vital Valt’s factory certified high density storage system installation service teams utilize seismic anti-tip track on all compact shelving systems. Movable shelving systems are anchored to the floor with approved anchors....
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Vital Valt offers equipment maintenance and service calls for filing and storage equipment. While some of the systems we implement require little to no service, there are systems with a cost of ownership requiring maintenance schedules. Contact us to review your system to see how we can help keep it functional. We provide certified technicians to ensure that your equipment is working properly. Vital Valt offers factory certified Storage Equipment Service technicians to service, maintenance and relocate vertical carousels, vertical lift modules and horizontal carousels as well as high density mobile storage systems. Professional services can include basic service and maintenance from adjusting...
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Vital Valt offers moving services to businesses looking to move their existing filing system as well as servicing and upgrading existing systems. Any Filing and Storage Systems can be taken down, moved and put back together in your new office space. Vital Valt has moved millions of files from facility to facility and will work with you to analyze your current filing system and recommend a strategy for moving and setting up files in your new facility. We provide relocation services with security and discretion - choose to move your files with or without guards. Moving your files can also...
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With health and safety challenges in todays workplace, it is important to provide the necessary safeguards to protect employees and visitors. Our space dividers helps to create safe spaces for all types of environments. This mobile guard is ideal for separating workstations without obstructing the view between employees. Get clear protection for your office, school, healthcare and industrial spaces. The clear, plastic panel helps to create spaces that are protected yet still maintain visibility. The mobile space divider provides see-through protection for guests, employees, students and more. These are ideal for use between workers on assembly lines, students in class,...
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Vital Valt provides safe and secure solutions that can help education facilities open safely and responsibly. We create strategies to de-densify existing spaces, rethink underutilized space and incorporate solutions to support the new guidelines in education. As educational spaces and structures begin to get back to school, here are some possible strategies to consider: Locker Storage Systems Space Planning to observe distancing guidelines Modular Casework for reconfigurable room design Built-in storage for sanitation and hand sanitizing Space Dividers, Desk Dividers, Sneeze Guards - etc. Space Dividers Our clear, plastic space dividers (desk dividers, sneeze guards, privacy screens) help to create...
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The Modern Mudroom is a place where employees enter their workplace and they have a place to safely and securely store their belongings. Regardless of the “return to work” model your organization decides on or evolves to, the Modern Mudroom can help reduce the spread of infection and increase your employees’ physical and mental being. Solutions like the Modern Mudroom can make a great first impression to employees and visitors to show that they are cared for. In modern workspaces, locker storage needs to play a variety of roles. Creating a safe place for employee belongings is a high priority,...
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It’s not just a locker… It’s part of the strategy to help people feel safe, their belongings secure and their well-being cared for with clean touchless laminate hygiene lockers. As employees return to the workplace & students to school, they want to know that they are cared for and that their surroundings are safe and clean. Let your employees know that you hear them with Hygiene Lockers. Hygiene Lockers are composed of touchless lockers with a central sink or sanitation station for hand-washing and disinfecting. We have to reconsider the amount of touches, the clean-ability, the technology and the ability...
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